Saturday, September 3, 2022



Every day we expose our skin to several factors that sometimes weaken and deteriorate it in a surprising way. Some of the most influential factors are free radicals from pollution, cigarette smoke, temperature changes with its high and low temperatures, our diet and of course the most dangerous UV rays. All these factors can deplete our skin of moisture and thus cause premature aging. Looking dry and rough skin is not something that anyone would like to have, so let's find a way to restore that softness and moisture to our skin. 

To be able to show off a soft, beautiful and free of dryness and impurities skin does not always require us to visit some kind of spa or beauty center that specializes in these skin problems and where you will most likely have to invest a lot of money. Keeping a well hydrated skin requires very special and complete care but we should not be scared and think that we will only achieve it if we use those products or expensive beauty techniques that often do not give us the results we expect.

There are a number of natural ingredients that help us to restore and restore the beauty of our skin. Here are some ideas for exfoliating your skin.
Coffee, Almond Oil and Honey:

Mix coffee, almond oil and honey in a bowl, the amount depends on the structure of your body, then exfoliate the whole body, massage and let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cold water and bathe as usual using some oatmeal soap.

Brown sugar and olive oil:

Mix the sugar, olive oil and let stand for 5 minutes or until the oatmeal becomes soft, then exfoliate with this mixture all over the body and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with plenty of cold water and bathe as usual using some aloe soap.

Oatmeal and natural yogurt:

Combine the oatmeal, yogurt and rub with this mixture all over your skin, leave for 5 minutes, then bathe as usual.

Always remember:

  • Perform these exfoliating scrubs at least once a week depending on your skin type, if you have very sensitive skin perform them every two weeks.
  • Dry with a soft towel.
  • Use sunscreen in the summer.
  • Apply moisturizer before sleeping or after showering.
  • Drink plenty of water during the day.
  • Taking care of our diet.

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