Saturday, September 3, 2022

TO LIGHTEN HAIR QUICKLY........................

Ideas for lighten hair at home in a natural way.

Many of us during our lives play with the color of our hair giving us the opportunity to change our look and look different and make our beauty shine, but then we want to go back to look like before. Sometimes we dye our hair too dark or maybe it did not come out the tone you wanted, we should not panic and immediately resort to bleaches that what they do is destroy our hair.

There are a number of natural treatments that you can prepare at home to lighten your hair without damaging it, but not all of them work quickly, that's why I have made a selection for you to put into practice and choose the one that gives you the best results.
Some are:


Lemon or lime juice is one of the most used when it comes to lighten dark hair naturally, but because of its strong citric content we have to combine it with some oil such as coconut oil or any other oil treatment containing that oil.

In a bowl mix the juice, water and salt. Spread all over the hair and leave it on for 2 hours, then wash as usual using coconut oil or conditioner.


Cinnamon and ginger are an excellent source of natural lighteners and not only that, it also helps to moisturize, condition, repair and grow your hair. 
In a pot boil the cinnamon and ginger, after boiling for 15 minutes let cool and smear all over your hair until it is completely soaked, leave on for 3 hours. Then wash as usual.

Chamomile is one of the most famous natural hair lighteners used by most people for its impressive effect.

Prepare a infusion with chamomile let it cool and apply it all over your hair until it soaks in completely, leave it on for 2 hours. Wash as usual.

The apple vinegar Apart from clarifying your hair very quickly, it also helps to correct split ends, regulates the PH from the root, stimulates hair growth and helps and prevents the appearance of annoying dandruff.

Mix apple cider vinegar with a little water and apply all over the hair make a bun and leave on for 2 hours, then remove with warm water and wash as usual.


  • These processes are performed at least 2 or 3 times a week for faster results.
  • The amount of ingredients for each treatment is according to the amount or volume of your hair.
  • You should wear a bathing cap after applying the treatment to deepen its effect..
  • Do not apply if you are allergic to any of these remedies.

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