Saturday, September 3, 2022

WHITEN TEETH QUICKLY..........................

How to whiten your teeth fast and naturally?

At this time is very fashionable dental treatments that leave your teeth extremely shiny. But not everything is good in this type of treatment because they are performed with many invasive products that ultimately end up damaging the entire coating of our teeth, and it is totally irreversible. But we don't have to go to such extremes. Here I am going to give you some ideas so you can whiten your teeth naturally and without resorting to these methods that in the end what they achieve is to permanently damage our teeth.
Why do our teeth stain?

Our teeth are covered by enamel that is somewhat porous and is gradually filled with what we eat. This is why if we drink wine or simply eat blueberries, our teeth immediately turn a purple color. If we look at it from a reasonable point of view it is not a problem for us because we brush our teeth and that's it, but there are other types of food and drinks that stain our teeth in a more penetrating way and with the passage of time they turn a yellowish or brownish color producing with this that our teeth look totally unsightly.
Also recurrent consumption of colored drinks such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and also cigarettes and of course poor oral hygiene help to increase the porosity of the enamel.

Some ideas to whiten teeth:

  • The first thing is to include in our daily diet fruits and vegetables such as pears, apples, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli and spinach.
  • Rub your teeth with the white part (called mesocarp) of the orange peel for at least 30 seconds, then brush them as usual 20 minutes later. The white rind of the orange contains a substance to whiten our teeth.
  • Once a week, place a strawberry and a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl and grind until it becomes a paste, then apply on your teeth and let it act, then brush as usual. Strawberries are a natural whitening agent.
  • Make a natural toothpaste by mixing one tablespoon of brewer's yeast and two teaspoons of salt and a little water. Brush with this preparation daily until your teeth feel whiter.
  • Brush by placing a little charcoal powder on our toothbrush, rub well and then brush again as usual. They say that charcoal is the best natural remedy to whiten our teeth.
  • Once a month, mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda in a cup and then moisten the toothbrush with water and place it inside the cup until the baking soda is completely stuck to the toothbrush. Then brush your teeth well and rinse with plenty of water.

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