Saturday, September 3, 2022

STOMACH ACIDITY................


Heartburn or well called acid reflux is a transitory disease that in one way or another most people have suffered at some point in their lives, this may be accompanied by other different symptoms such as regurgitation and many burning that can extend from the pit of the stomach to the entire esophagus area.

What causes heartburn to occur?

In most cases heartburn is produced when solid or liquid food enters the stomach area, the muscles located at the end of the esophagus, called the lower esophageal sphincter, close that area. If these muscles fail to close completely, food that is in the stomach can back up and reflux into the esophagus. Partially digested food can irritate the esophagus and thus cause the dreaded heartburn and its other symptoms.

Some natural remedies to get rid of heartburn

Natural or home remedies that are prepared to combat heartburn can be obtained easily and without having to invest or spend a lot of money or time. I am going to give you and recommend some of the most famous remedies to eliminate that annoying heartburn when it comes unexpectedly.

  • Make a Ginger Tea:

Using ginger to make remedies is a very old habit and used to eliminate stomach acidity. It also helps us to maintain a good pH balance in our stomach. Just prepare a tea or infusion of ginger by mixing a tablespoon of this well grated root.

  • Natural Yogurt:

Natural yogurt helps us to calm our digestive system and at the same time prevents heartburn. It is necessary to drink at least 2 glasses a day.

  • Sodium Bicarbonate:

Sodium bicarbonate of soda has some properties that help us to neutralize the acids found in our stomach, it also relieves that burning sensation produced by acidity. You only need to dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink immediately. The consumption of baking soda is not recommended to take it as a habit but you can take it when the burning is unbearable.

  • Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera water or juice contains many properties that help us to reduce stomach inflammation, thus contributing to alleviate the symptoms produced by acid reflux. It is recommended to drink at least one glass of this water or juice before each meal. Aloe vera has a laxative effect so you can not exceed its consumption.

If you are allergic to any of these foods please contact your doctor before consuming them.

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