Saturday, September 3, 2022

A RADICAL CHANGE..................


All of us at some point have felt the need to give ourselves a radical change and we wonder why not start with our hair, but sometimes we wonder if this haircut will go well with the shape of our face.

Before giving a radical change to our hair, we have to take into account some tips to follow such as: The type, size or shape of our face, make an evaluation of how we will look more or less after the cut, we have to be sure that we want this radical change, because if you cut it too short there is no turning back.

I will show you some types of faces and their cuts:

As you can see for those with a SQUARE FACE you have to avoid very short haircuts but that doesn't mean that you can't cut your hair, you can do it, you just have to take into account that the cut can't be straight, you have to leave long bangs to soften the jaw area.

For those who have the good fortune to have an OVAL FACE, almost all haircuts with short, not too thick and curly bangs will do very well. The only thing you have to be careful about is the length of the cut because if you leave it too long your face will become more oval than normal.

The TRIANGULAR FACE OR HEART TYPE: it is ideal to wear curly hair or just with some waves up to the neck, you can leave some bangs but only taking into account curling them.

And finally for the ROUND FACE type, this type of face will do very well with very short pixie style hair but with bangs on the side. Avoid cuts with layers and also those whose cut reaches the jaw; you have to wear your hair always below the jaw or above the ears.

I hope these ideas help you to choose the radical change of your hair and remember don't shy away from doing with your personality what you want so much.

I want to see pictures of their radical haircuts.

Thank youuuuuuuuu.

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