Saturday, September 3, 2022

Super easy and fast Keto recipe................

Grilled chicken breast with keto cream and spinach

Ingredients for one serving:

1- Filleted chicken breast.
1/2 cup of heavy cream.
1 teaspoon of olive oil or avocado oil.
Spinach quantity to taste
Salt, pepper, green onion and garlic to taste.


Fillet, crush or cut into strips the breast as you like, season with pepper, salt and garlic or to your liking without leaving the sesame seeds recommended for the keto diet.
Place in a frying pan with a little olive oil and brown the breast on each side but do not overcook.
Add the cream, spinach and the rest of the ingredients, taste in case it needs a little more salt or pepper. 
Let it cook until the cream thickens a little and it is ready.

Serve with the vegetables ketogenics of your preference or with cauliflower rice. 

Easy true, send me pictures of how it looks😋

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