Saturday, September 3, 2022

AMAZING BENEFITS OF AVOCADO.....................

Many people, perhaps out of ignorance, try to avoid the consumption of avocado because of its high fat content, but we must take into account that the fat contained in avocado is very healthy and nutritious for our body and of course for our organism.

Avocado not only improves the cardiac problems but it also greatly reduces cholesterol.

The Avocado and eyesight:

Avocado contains an ingredient called lutein (carotenoid) which helps to absorb the sun's ultraviolet rays, preventing damage to the retina, thus protecting it from degeneration and the appearance of those dreaded cataracts.

The Avocado and vitamin E:

This delicious fruit contains a large amount of vitamin E. If you consume it vitamin E The use of this product on a recurring basis will prepare your body to protect you from any disease, it will also revitalize your skin helping it to become smoother and more beautiful.

If you thought that avocado only benefited us by its consumption, well, it does not. I am going to give you some ideas so that you can put into practice some beneficial uses of avocado in our body.

The Avocado and hair:

One of the best known benefits of avocado is its use on the hair, because of its high content of vitamins and fat, it helps to give life to dull, damaged and dry hair. Just prepare a mask and leave it on your hair for 30 minutes and then wash as usual.

The Avocado for spots and wrinkles.

Preparing an avocado mask with cocoa cream and applying it on your face twice a week helps prevent wrinkles and whiten those annoying spots that often appear on our face.

The Avocado and the body:

If your skin is very dry and a little rough, just make a cream with ripe avocado and apply it all over your body, especially on your knees and elbows, leave it on for at least half an hour and then remove with plenty of cold water.

I hope you put these ideas into practice and discover the great benefits of avocado.

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